Tuesday, August 28, 2007


An essay by Dennis Ross A Stable Iraq

Mr. Ross has a book about statecraft which is an art the Bush administration has yet to display any talent in.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

SITREP (Situation Report) from Iraq

NYT Op-Ed by 82nd Abn NCO's

I no longer have to wait for Gen Petraeus's report. I think that these NCO's have told us what we need to know.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Over stating arguments

Juan Cole in his effort discredit the Bush administration propaganda against Iran overstates the evidence he finds.

Informed Comment 8/13/07

In this posting he says the Sunni insurgents are using explosive form projectiles (EFP) too. The only thing is the LA times article he references doesn't mention EFP. It only says that when the soldiers rushed the building where the sniper was believed to be, they were blown up by a pressure actuated device. From that description it could have been a plain old anti-personnel mine.